

The Malaysia Biomass Industries Confederation (MBIC) is formed as a non-profit organisation to develop the biomass industries in Malaysia through strategic partnership among biomass SMEs, major feedstock owners, research institutes, and other local and international biomass stakeholders.

Realising the synergy that could be derived from various biomass available from Malaysia, MBIC aims to be the strategic platform where various biomass sectors are able to synergize their needs and interests for the development of biomass industry as a whole. MBIC will also act as a platform to commercialise, market and utilise the applications of high value biomass products, whilst promoting the principle of sustainable consumption and production, and to maintain a conducive ecosystem for the sustainable growth of biomass industry.

Through MBIC, relationship will be fostered through dialogue sessions with government agencies, research institutions, civil societies, as well as local and international bodies, to create and foster awareness of what the biomass industry's contribution towards climate change mitigation efforts.Leveraging on the wide spectrum of expertise, strength and network of MBIC members, MBIC aspires to lead Malaysia to be recognised as the biomass hub internationally.

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