

Malaysia responded to the globally anticipated energy security crisis and climate change by diversifying fuel-resources to include renewable and alternative energy, and developing green-energy technologies for the future. Fuel cell, using hydrogen energy, is an advanced green energy technology that has the potential to bring a clean, zero emission energy technology for a sustainable nation. The Blueprint for Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Industries in Malaysia released in 2017 by the Academy of Sciences Malaysia (ASM) is the result of collaborative discussions regarding the future of fuel cells and hydrogen energy with various stakeholders, including government agencies, industrial players, researchers and academia.

Thenceforth, Fuel Cell Institute (UKM) has led the initiative, together with researchers from other universities, to create a national-level association named The Malaysian Association of Hydrogen Energy (MAHE). This association was registered with The Registry of Societies Malaysia on Jan 10th, 2017 with the following objectives: (1) to assemble and consolidate researchers and practitioners of fuel cells and hydrogen energy in various scientific and engineering disciplines and from academia and industry together in a learned association, (2) to promote and facilitate interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research and collaboration on fuel cells and hydrogen energy in various scientific and engineering disciplines and from academia and industry, (3) to promote and represent fuel cells and hydrogen energy in the national, regional, and international forums, (4) to promote hydrogen technology as a viable economic alternative to carbon-based technology, (5) to meet and exchange scientific and engineering knowledge and views in order to advance fuel cell and hydrogen technology, (6) to maintain links and relationships with other learned societies, and (7) to publish advances in fuel cells and hydrogen energy in high-impact academic journals. MAHE highlights the importance of bringing stakeholders from across the board together in order to realize the effective implementation of research, development, and deployment of the flagship program for fuel cells and hydrogen energy in Malaysia.

MAHE offers a variety of membership categories to suit the needs of various individuals from different backgrounds:

1. Ordinary Membership is open to all Malaysian citizens (irrespective of race, religion, or gender) as follows:

a. Academics teaching courses on fuel cells and hydrogen energy, and related subjects,

b. Researchers carrying out research and development work on fuel cells and hydrogen energy, and related subjects,

c. Postgraduate students studying fuel cells and hydrogen energy, and related subjects, and

d. Experts and practitioners of fuel cells and hydrogen energy in the industry.

2. Corporate Membership is open to Ordinary Members from amongst the professionals working in related fields and who meet the conditions set by the Association as stated above,

3. Honorary Membership are appointed by the Association Committee from amongst the Ordinary Members who have contributed significantly to the society and can contribute to the success of the Association,

4. Associate Membership is open to those who are not eligible for Ordinary Membership (i.e. they do not have Malaysian citizenship). However, Associate Members are not allowed to hold office or vote, and

5. Life Membership is composed of those who have paid Life subscription fee.

An entrance fee of MYR100.00 ( Ringgit Malaysia ONE HUNDRED Only ) shall be due and payable as of the date of admission. An annual fee payable for the category of membership to which the applicant is admitted, elected or transferred shall be due and payable in advance on 1st January of each year.

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